
Your New Year's resolution could help make the world a better place in 2019-
here's how:

New Year's Resolution 1

Save water!

The average use of water in the UK is 140 litres per person a day. Around 1/3 of our water sources in the UK are unsustainable, risking wildlife such as fish, birds and aquatic plants. Save water and you’ll not only lower your bills but help conserve the world’s water.

·       Switch to showers that only last 5 – 10 minutes

·       Stop having baths. Watch campaigner Richard Curtis' video on the other reason he's stopping to have baths below

·      Don’t run the tap when you’re brushing your teeth

·       Only wash full loads of washing.

New Year's Resolution 2

Switch to green energy products to help conserve the world’s energy resources – and yourself some money too

·       Swap all your light bulbs for energy efficient bulbs. If everyone in the world switched to energy efficient light bulbs, we’d save £95 billion worth of energy each year.

New Year's Resolution 3

Speak up against bullies.

Help ensure everyone around you is treated equally, no matter who they are. 

·       Report online bullies and harassment. If you notice harassment on a message board or in a chat room, flag that person to the website’s administrators.

·       If you see bullying in your school or work–tell the bully to stop or tell a teacher / boss and help stop it from happening again.

·       If you see someone harassing someone on the street, report it to the police – using the non-emergency number 111. If you think that person is in danger call 999. 

·       Find out about your employers’ gender pay gap - using the public online portal – and ask what actions they are taking to close it

Share your New Year's Resolution with us

using the #MyGlobalGoal and let us know how you're helping the UK to meet the Global Goals

global goals

New Year's Resolution 4

Eat less meat

Help stop the deforestation that is happening to sustain farm animals. You’ll be healthier and save money too.

·       Go meat free for two days a week.

New Year's Resolution 5

Reduce your food waste!

Around a quarter of all the food we buy ends up being thrown away – for the UK this is equivalent to about 10 million tonnes. To save money and help the environment:

·       Only buy the food you need! Live 2019 without wasting any food – make a conscious effort to share, freeze or re-use food and not throw food in the bin.

·       If you’ve bought too much- share it with neighbours, housemates, family members or even share with your wider community by using apps like Olio or Too Good To Go. Your leftover greens might be exactly what your neighbour needs for their evening meal.

New Year's Resolution 6

Recycle more and waste less.

The average UK household produces a tonne of rubbish a year. If people in the UK produced no waste and recycled all their packaging we would prevent around 30 million tonnes of waste going to landfill or ending up in our rivers and oceans.

·       Buy food and produce locally and ask for 'naked' wrapping, which means without plastic shrink wrap

·       Use bamboo or paper straws instead of plastic ones

·       Don't use plastic cups but bring in your reusable water bottles and coffee cups

·       Reuse shopping bags instead of buying new plastic ones

Share your Global Goal resolution on Instagram or Twitter today with the hashtag #MyGlobalGoal and see your post automatically join the wall below!

To find out more about the Global Goals, visit our website. If you have any questions, please email us on sdgs@dfid.gov.uk
